I’m sure you have met people like this guy. He tells you how successful he is and how much he helped so-and-so make it… so why isn’t he still working with them? He may be a hot shot sales expert, producer or manager, and he’s making you a super-special deal. Listen to what he tells you. Follow up with calls or e-mails to the people he claims to have worked with.
But, if you get a bad feeling, pay attention to your gut.
Success doesn’t come knocking just once. If you are really doing the things to make it in this industry, it will present itself several times.
A young artist I know was offered a deal with a label and knew he was in over his head, so he talked to another signed artist. He asked so many questions I thought the seasoned artist would get tired of answering questions. But he didn’t. Just a few years prior, he had the same questions. He patiently worked through the younger artists’ concerns. It was a great thing to watch.
The con will always tell you, ”don’t miss this chance, don’t wait!” but that’s how you know he’s lying. The more pressure he applies, the more you need to distance yourself from him.
This is not to say you can drag your feet, and definitely don’t let a fear of success (and the work involved) keep you from making a decision. But you need to know their tactics.
I never promise what I can’t deliver. Even when someone tries to get me to, I tell them success is up to you more than anyone else. When you’ve reached a level where you are valuable to a booker, you’ll get bookings. To a concert promoter, you’ll get those gigs. To a label, and they’ll want you on their team. Until then, keep getting better and working up the food chain.
Maybe we’ll get to work together along the way and I can tell people I knew you. But I promise to never say, “They couldn’t do it without me.” That would be a lie.